Effective 1/1/2025
Attention: Tufts Health Direct Plans
We will be out of network for the Tufts Health Direct plans offered on the Massachuesetts Health Connector as of 1/1/2025. This affects our participation in all Tufts Health "Direct" products offered on the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Chelmsford & Dracut Pediatrics clinical leaders have determined it is safe to shift from a mandatory to an optional masking policy at all facilities across our health system beginning Friday, May 12, 2023. This decision is aligned with our statewide clinical community and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and many of our peer institutions have implemented a similar policy.
Masks will still be available at our offices. These stations are located at our reception locations. Nurses and providers may also provide masks when necessary. Our mask can be worn by itself or over your home mask.
Please review the frequently asked questions document for additional information regarding this new policy.
Learn more about what the ending of the Public Health Emergency means.
Please note: Broader masking may be needed again in the future. We will inform you if our policies change.
If you have questions or concerns, please ask for the office manager. We hope you have a healthy and safe spring.
Effective: 7/31/2024
Effective: 7/31/2024
Consent for Treatment:
I hereby consent to the behavioral health treatment provided by Chelmsford Pediatrics LLC. I authorize the mental health care services deemed necessary to address the needs of myself and my child[ren] including but not limited to, individual therapy, group therapy, and crisis intervention.
I agree to participate in a comprehensive intake assessment when beginning behavioral health treatment with Chelmsford Pediatrics LLC. I agree to provide accurate and complete information surrounding mental health symptoms and challenges including medication and hospitalizations.
I understand that information about the client, including session notes, will be kept confidential. I understand that records and information about the patient’s mental health treatment will not be released without consent and a signed release of information form.
I understand there are limits of confidentiality to protect the patient and others.
Limits of Confidentiality:
I understand that therapists are mandated reporters meaning that they are legally required to report certain information to authorities:
Consent to Electronic Communications:
I consent to receive voicemails/emails regarding upcoming appointments and scheduling needs.
I understand that the limits of confidentiality also apply to Teletherapy services (i.e., mandatory reporting of child, elder, or vulnerable adult abuse, danger to self-and/or others.) By agreeing to receive Teletherapy services, I agree to attend video sessions in a safe and confidential location within the state of Massachusetts.
Attendance, No Show, and Late Cancellation Policies:
I understand that by signing this form I am responsible for attending scheduled appointments and maintaining consistent engagement with mental health services. Any patient missing three consecutive scheduled appointments without communication will be discharged from mental
health treatment.
Patient Code of Conduct:
Chelmsford Pediatrics is committed to providing high quality medical and mental health care. We strive to provide a safe, caring, and inclusive environment for both patients and care providers.
I understand that services may be terminated if any of the following occur:
We honor the continuing memory of our founder, Dr. Donald Berman – Scholar, physician, educator and leader – who founded Chelmsford & Dracut Pediatrics in 1954 and served this community for over 50 years. We strive to offer the same compassionate care to new generation of families.
Chelmsford, MA
Phone: 978-256-4363
Fax: (978) 256-1565
Address: 7 Village Square, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 8:00pm*
Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm*
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm* or until the last patient is seen.
(Chelmsford Office =
CLOSED the 1st Saturday of each month)
(Chelmsford Office =
OPEN all other Saturdays of the month)
Sunday: CLOSED
Our phones open up at 8:30am, Monday - Saturday. Outside our normal business hours, you can always leave a NON-URGENT message to be returned the next business day or page the on-call Physician (available 24/7).
*Please note that obligatory meetings, vacations, and weather may affect these hours.
Dracut, MA
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pm*
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED
Our phones open up at 8:30am, Monday - Saturday. Outside our normal business hours, you can always leave a NON-URGENT message to be returned the next business day or page the on-call Physician (available 24/7).
*Please note that obligatory meetings, vacations, and weather may affect these hours.
Dracut, MA
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm*
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm* or until the last patient is seen.
(Dracut Office =
OPEN the 1st Saturday of each month)
(Dracut Office =
CLOSED all other Saturdays of the month)
Sunday: CLOSED
Our phones open up at 8:30am, Monday - Saturday. Outside our normal business hours, you can always leave a NON-URGENT message to be returned the next business day or page the on-call Physician (available 24/7).
*Please note that obligatory meetings, vacations, and weather may affect these hours.